Equestrian Centre
The Equestrian Centre was founded in Third term of 2013 with the help of Trish Johnston and Andre Lebenberg. It began as more of a recreational facility for the students in their spare time with five stables, a paddock, a water trough and a cattle herder’s shed.
We currently provide the opportunity for the students to have horse riding lessons once or twice a week scheduled into their time table.
With the huge potential of the Equestrian Centre, we have bigger and better plans for the future for growth and development. We aim to provide a high calibre of instruction and exposure in all disciplines within Horse Riding.

What we offer
Introduction to and competition in:
- Show-Jumping
- Gymkhana
- Dressage
- Out-riding
Instruction on:
- How to Ride
- Horse and Stable Management
Contact Details
For more information:
Email Us: lcec@lomagundi.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LomagundiCollegeEquestrianCentre
Equestrian Admin Manager: Belinda Bowie (Tel:) +263 773 401 518